Module: Induction Part 5

πŸ“– How to Request Access to Various Systems

Created 2 years ago by Ash Anil|

Modified 1 month ago by Chris Schultz

Request for Access

Granting admin access to employees can result in severe consequences, including security breaches, data loss, and system downtime. It is critical to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive systems and data to prevent such incidents. Therefore, SSW have a procedure to enable developers or any other employees to request permission to elevate their access level.

Determine the resource you need access to:

The first step in requesting permission is to identify the resource that you need access to. e.g. an Azure resource group or the Dev Environment in CRM.

Determine the level of access:

The required level of access, such as Read, Contributor, or Admin, should be determined.

Justify why access is required:

Explain why you need access to the resource and how it will benefit your work. This justification is necessary to ensure that the requested access is legitimate.

Access Package

To make it easy for a user to request access to resources, we have Entra Access Packages in place.

By grouping linked resources together into unified packages, they streamline the procedures for authorizing, examining, and withdrawing access. This doesn't just cut down on administrative workload but also boosts security by guaranteeing that users possess appropriate permissions when needed.

Systems without access packages

We can't use access packages for all systems - e.g. Tina (i.e. editing websites), GitHub, and Azure DevOps. If you can't find an access package for the resource you need to access, send an email to the SysAdmins using Outlook | New Email | Content Chooser | All Staff Email Templates | Select requesting-access-to-various-systems

Requesting Access via

  1. Follow SSW Rule - Do you use access packages?


In Access Packages, we add an expiry date for the permission we grant user depending on the environment.

  • Prod resources - 8 Hours
  • Dev/Staging resources - 7 Days
  • VPN (rare) - 1 year
    • SysAdmins and SSWTV need near-permanent access to the VPN - we cap this at 1 year so that access is still reviewed occasionally.

If requesting access to GitHub or DevOps resources, CC either Email group:

  • GitHub - make sure to cc
  • AzureDevOps – make sure to cc